[...] your imagination feeds on almost anything, like the most greedy of omnivores, and anything can become narrative. [...] Which is to say, if you reward your imagination by writing down your ideas and exploring them, even the slightest little fragment, your imagination will reward you with a more or less continuous stream of ideas. If you turn off or blunt the enthusiasm of your subconscious for engaging in creative play, the stream can dry up.Ja:
(lk 17-18)
The somewhat frightening and heady truth is that when you are in a certain mode of waking dream, of deep and sustained thoight about your story, your mind can transform anything into your current project and make it work.Just: pisikesed sammud on niivõrd olulised! Ja kui õpid käima, jooksma, siis korraga üllatud, kuivõrd kõrgele nad sind tõstavad... ja ühel hetkel avastad, et oled lainel:)
(lk 20)
The imagination is infinite - it can encompass all you want it to encompass, if you let it. Everything we see around us, whether functional or decorative, once existed in someone's imagination. Every building, every fixture, every chair, every table, every vase, every road, every toaster. In fact, the world we live in is largely a manifestation of many individual and collective imaginations applied to the task of altering preexisting reality. So the question becomes, How can you position yourself to dream well?
(lk 40)
Teksti kõrval on raamatus järgnev pilt:
From the collection of Myrtle Von Damitz III, a note card by Cassandra N. Railsea (1970). A scene sketch for Railsea's novel The Incredible Sex Life of Boggie Crisper (1971).
Ma pole küll teab-mis sulesepp (ehkki mõni vaidleks ehk vastu), eriti viimasel ajal, AGA mingi kirjutamispisik on siiski sees... võib-olla olen liialt perfektsionist ja seega ei taha kirjutada enne kui idee on peas piisavalt laagerdunud. Sellegipoolest: raamatus on vahva sõnastus nende kohta kes ei saa ilma kirjutamata:
I couldn't bear it anymore. I stopped writing. I shut up. It's the closest I've yet come to feeling dead.
(lk 36; by Matthew Cheney; artikkel pealkirjaga Writer's Block)
P.S. Avastasin, et see raamat on siin (pisut teistsugune, aga sisu näib olevat sama) pdf kujul täiesti saadaval. Täiesti huvitav lugemine!
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